This is Part 3 of the CWN series on How to Write Poems.
How to write poems - poetry problems you can avoid
are some common problems that often hurt the poetry of new writers. Of
course, there is no law against doing any of these things; you can try
to get away with them if you want. But you have a better chance of
writing a good poem if you can avoid them.
Top poetry pitfalls:
1) Thinking beautiful things make a beautiful poem.
Roses and jewels, we can agree, are beautiful. Including them in your
poem does not make it more beautiful. You can write just as beautiful a
poem about rotting fish or the gunk under my refrigerator (not
beautiful). The beauty of a poem comes from how it's made and what it
does, not from what it's about.
2) Sentimentality.
Sentimentality is false or excessive emotion. Have you ever had to
listen to someone repeatedly saying, "Isn't that nice?" or "Isn't that
lovely?" or "Isn't this fun?" about something you didn't honestly think
was all that nice, lovely, or fun? You may have noticed that the more
the other person insisted, the less nice/lovely/fun whatever it was
began to seem to you. In general, we don't like to have emotions rammed
down our throats. We all like to decide for ourselves how we feel
about things.
When I was about twelve, I wote to my Turkish penpal
that I felt like a prisoner because my parents didn't let me (I don't
remember what, although I do remember writing the letter from my "jail
cell"). This is an example of an emotional response totally out of
proportion to the situation. It could have been the beginning of a very
bad poem.
Sentimentality in a poem can end up feeling whiney,
self-pitying, insincere, or sickeningly sweet, depending on which
emotions the poet is overdoing. So how to write poems with the right
amount of emotion? What's the right amount of emotion to feel about a
subject? The best practice is usually to let the readers decide for
themselves. Instead of telling them that something is sad, show them
the aspects of it that make you feel sad. Chances are readers will come to the same conclusion. And whatever conclusion they come to will be genuinely felt.
3) Archaic or "poetic language".
Yes, a lot of the great English poets used words like "thou," "doth,"
and said things like "O! Beauteous moon..." They also lived in times
when this was a normal way of writing. If they had lived during the
21st century, they would have written in 21st century English, as should
4) Clichés. Sparkling like diamonds,"
"pure as snow," "fiery hot," "a warm heart," "silent as the grave," -
these are examples of clichés. They are phrases or ideas that have been
used so many times that they have lost all freshness.
When I
say that someone is "as sweet as sugar," the "as sugar" part is a waste
of words. It doesn't provide any additional information about this
person. And it doesn't offer a new perspective on sweetness -- you've
heard it before. It waters down a poem because it takes up space without
adding any power. It also gives the reader the impression that I, the
poet, don't have anything original to say. This is a pity, because
every poet does have something original to say. If I am writing about
someone's sweetness, I should think harder about what exactly makes this
particular person sweet, and what this person's particular sweetness is
like. Instead of using ready-made phrases, I should choose words that
express the unique qualities of my subject.
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