Discussion and Examples
Hopefully you have not forgotten these terminologies. Your module two on vocabulary that you studied in the first semester says that: "Blending is the fusion of two words into one, usually the first part one word with the last part of the other so that the resultant blend consists of both original meanings, e.g.: motel, brunch, fridge, smog".
You still remember the meanings of these blendings, do you? If you don't, study again your vocabulary lessons, will you? Clipping is a process in which a word ia formed by shortening a longer word, e.g.: zoo dorm, mag, pub, ads. You also have many clippings in Indonesian. Acronym is the result of forming a word from the first letter or letters of each word in a phrase, e.g. NASA, VIP, YMCA, AIDS. These systems of word formation are not only found in English but also in Indonesian. Look at the examples below:
Satpam, Hansip, Kanwil, Kades, Jatim, Perek.
Nur (for Nurhadi), kek (for kakek), pak (for Bapak).
It is sometime difficult, if not impossible, to find the lexical equivalent of either English blending, clipping and acronym in Indonesian or Indonesian blending, clipping and acronym in English. What is the Indonesian word for 'motel’ or 'brunch'? And what is the English word for 'hansip' or 'Kanwil'? The easiest way to translate those words is to explain the meaning of their components, e.g.;
motel = motor + hotel = hotel untuk para pelancong yang berkendaraan mobil
brunch = breakfast + lunch = makan pagi dan siang sekaligus
hansip = pertahanan + sipil = civil defence
Kanwil = Kantor + wilayah = Regional Office
Thus in this case there is no word for word translation. Or, if the new word has become very popular, you don't even have to translate it, just write as it is. For examples you have words such as NASA, UNICEF, WHO, and AIDS which you don't have to translate because; they are quite popular. It is funny that we have etc in Indonesian which is identical with the English etc. We also have PM which can be interpreted as Perdana Perdana Menteri or Prime Minister. But these are only few coincidences.
In translating English blendings, clippings or acronyms into Indonesian you should first of all try to find the original word or words. Sometimes an acronym or a clipping has more than one meaning, thus the context will help you identify the intended one. Look at these examples below:
1. We arrived here at 7 p.m. (post maridem = sore)
2. The p.m. will be done as (post mortem = pemeriksaan mayat)
soon as the doctor arrives.
3. The British P.M. is a really tough (Prime Minister = Perdana Menteri)
4. The new P.M. has been in the (Provost Marshal = opsir tentara yang
army for more than ten years. bertugas menjaga keamanan)
5. A sub is a warship able to operate (Submarine = kapal selam)
under the surface of the sea.
6. Chris is a sub teacher for Mrs. White (Substitute = pengganti)
while she is on official leave.
7. The monument was erected by public (subscription = sumbangan)
In translating English acronyms or blendings into Indonesian sometimes you have to make lexical adjustments. Look at the examples below:
U.F.O. = Unidentified Flying Object
1 2 3
tak dikenal terbang benda
1 2 3
= Benda terbang tak dikenal = Piring terbang
Subway = sub railway
1 2
di bawah jalan kereta api
1 2
= Jalan kereta api di bawah = kereta api di bawah tanah
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